Wellness Program wellness-challenge

Why Choose the FitChallenge?

FitChallenge Diagram

Customizable Challenge Themes

The FitLyfe Challenge comes with engaging challenge themes to get your employees ready to move. Have something of your own in mind? We can also create your own custom theme that fits your organization. Try our four seasons challenge package featuring:

  • Spring Into Action
  • Summer Shape Up
  • Fall Into Fitness
  • Holiday Hero

Or, you can take a tour of the U.S. and discover something new each time you enter a qualifying activity to meet your fitness goal in the Tour the U.S. challenge. This is in addition to our Race Around the Track and Travel the World challenges.

Weekly Health Tips and Images

The FitLyfe Challenge keeps participants engaged with weekly health tips. Use the health tips from our health experts to convey healthy habits to your users each week or create your own! Homepage images change on a weekly basis, giving users a fresh visual each week. Upload your own homepage images of health and fitness from your organization to truly make the challenge your own.

Real-Time Reports

Generate real-time reports, such as: user progress, participation summary, weekly goals, and many more to gauge how your participants are progressing in the challenge. We can also create custom reports tailored toward your challenge focus.


Users are able to select from three different activity levels with the ability to earn medals and awards each step of the way.

Flexible Admin Interface

Empowers the corporate Wellness Program Manager to have full control over all aspects of the challenge, enabling them to custom tailor it towards their organization. It is very flexible, allowing management of weekly messages, images, activities, languages, multiple corporate locations and much more.

Access Your Challenge Anywhere

Use a tablet, mobile phone or personal computer to log activities. Making it easy and convenient increases participation.

Device Tracker Integration

Integrated with Fitbit, Garmin, Apple health, Samsung Health, Polar, Google Fit and Microsoft Band at no additional cost.

Ready, Set, Go

The Challenge can be implemented in minutes. It’s ready when you are.

Enterprise Leaderboard

Shows users in real-time how teams/locations are stacking up against one another to really drive fun competition! It features teams/locations, by division size and team photos, which can be easily managed through the admin interface.

Multilingual Support

The challenge supports English, Spanish, and Chinese, allowing you to engage participants with no language barriers. The user can simply select their language of choice!

Designed for use with Fibit, Garmin, Apple health, Samsung Health, Polar, Google Fit, and Microsoft Band.

Wellness Program Fitness Devices

See FitLyfe 360 in action


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