Looking for ONE simple solution to run your hospital wellness program?The FitLyfe 360 platform has everything you need to run a successful wellness program to help your patients without a mash-up of vendors.You’ll save time and money, too…so you can focus on helping patients get healthy and stay healthy.Sound good?Running a hospital wellness program is EASY with the FitLyfe 360 platform.You’ll find all the wellness program tools you need to:
- Collect and manage biometric screening data
- Send blood test results directly from the Cholestec LDX Analyzer to the FitLyfe platform
- Provide patients with real-time results and health recommendations
- Administer health risk assessments
- Host onsite clinics
- Schedule appointments & send reminders
- Deliver wellness coaching services
- Analyze population health data
- Offer wellness program incentives & rewards
- Import and export patient data and create reports… whenever you want
- Integrate with Epic Systems to improve patient care
- Run the entire platform with a smartphone and make updates from anywhere
- Contact information
- Test and screening results
- Medical history
- Notes from medical staff
- Medications
- Referrals
- Note: You can even generate reports and import/export your data
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act
- Send secure messages to patients via email or SMS
- Schedule appointments
- Send appointment reminders
- Review coaching notes
- Provide telemedicine services and care via video conference calls
- Send and receive medical records via email, FAX, secure server, etc…
- Review patient health information at a glance from office visits, biometric screenings, and lab tests
- Create customized wellness programs for employers or organizations
- Invite participants to complete an evidence-based health risk assessment
- Make lifestyle recommendations based on HRA results and biometric screening data
- Compare HRA and screening results over time
- Deliver wellness coaching services
- Recommend healthcare services and providers for preventive care, disease management, mental health, and other health issues
- Encourage wellness program participation by offering incentives
- And ultimately promote health, prevent disease, and encourage healthy lifestyle habits.
- Run your wellness program from anywhere
- Offer biometric screenings and health risk assessments
- Simplify data management and reporting
- Schedule appointments & send reminders
- Deliver wellness coaching services
- Manage population health data & generate customized reports
- Save time & money, amd much MORE…
See FitLyfe 360 in action