See What Others Are Saying About FitLyfe’s Solutions
FitLyfe 360 Wellness Platform put my wellness programs on the right track. It was absolutely incredible to see where I was lacking in my programs. I was able to fill in the gaps without having to guess. Best of all it has kept employees engaged.
I had a very busy day yesterday and accumulated about 7,000 steps in the FitLyfe Challenge (walked fairly far to lunch, did a walk and talk discussion, parked far away for an evening meeting). I didn’t get home until almost 9:00pm when I finally sat down to eat dinner and watch AGT (America’s Got Talent). I checked my steps and saw that I was way shy of meeting my goal of 10,000 steps and at that point I certainly wasn’t going to the gym or even to the treadmill in my basement. So, after I ate, I stood up behind the couch and walked/marched in place while I watched the show and paced a bit while we fast forwarded through commercials. I was so wrapped up in the season finale that I really wasn’t focused on the walking and before it was over I had crossed the 10,000 steps mark! It would have been sooooo easy to have stayed on the couch after a very long day and write off my 7,000 steps day, but it felt great to check my progress in the Challenge and see that I had made the goal! And, I didn’t even have to miss the finale of AGT to do it.
As I told my Director team at stand-up – my Fitbit and the FitLyfe Challenge program have turned me into Forrest Gump! I originally committed to 4 times a week upon registering, but have not been below 10,000 steps any day since enrolling on 9/1. The program, in truth, made me aware of how sedentary I had become. The Fitbit app is addictive and informative, and, in fact, I’ve become focused on achieving the “Daily Calories Burned” goal – and to achieve that, I need to be closer to 13,000 steps. My dog is also a big winner, as I’ve doubled the distance of his walk (now worth about 2,100 steps), as well. The FitLyfe Challenge is a great, fun initiative, and I’m looking forward to continuing along this healthy, beneficial path.
When I got in to work today (came in early with a list of things that had been keeping me up), I ran into one of our new residents. She was power walking around the community. I thought to myself – the work will still be on my desk, but this opportunity for fresh air in my face and a new German friend was too good to miss! I made a friend, my mood lifted and I think I will be more productive today because of it. I’m actually going to start meeting her for morning walks a couple times a week! Thanks to the FitLyfe Challenge I am more motivated to get out and move than ever!
Knowing that I committed myself with others to complete the FitLyfe Challenge has made me work hard at it every day.It is at the forefront of my brain every day and changes are happening. I have lost 12 1/2 pounds, and 1 1/2 inches off my waist. I am drinking more water, eating healthier, and the best part is I no longer feel forced to get up and commit, I enjoy it, and I look forward to it. Just today my 13 year old son said, ‘mom can you go to the gym with me for an hour’ and I said, ‘sure only if after you walk with me at the track for an hour.’ So that is what we just got done doing. I feel energized, happy, less stressed, and I am ready for my evening walk already. This challenge makes me accountable for my actions, and that is a big part of being successful!
When I signed up for the FitLyfe Challenge, I thought, I really do not think I can do 10,000 steps, however, I want to make a difference and get involved.So I signed up to do 30 minutes of walking 4 times a week and to date I have done it and have walked most days 50 to 60 minutes. Trust me, I have the blisters to prove it! Last week while on vacation in Colorado I was determined to keep up the walking, and I did! I promised myself that I would do my 30 minutes of walking no matter what. If you really want to do something for yourself you will not matter what. Especially when it comes to our health. So go for it!
The FitLyfe Fitness Challenge is a great way for me to get my employees up and moving. My employees love it; their spouses love it and frankly, I love it. This year, it looks like IT is the team to beat.